The Modeler


Input constraints, by grid or relatively to already created objects (magnetism).

Smooth transformations thanks to an exclusive method : repartition curves.

Dynamic boolean operations allowing the parts of a boolean set to move/morph in an animation.


Particle management (primitives and inclusions).

Displacement mapping of a surface relative to the gray levels of a texture.

Import-export in 5 standard exchange formats (PICT, DXF, Windows Metafile...) expandable by input-output plugs-in.

Mesh surface modeling.

Many curves : circle, ellipse, spiral and helix arcs, beta-splines, Bezier curves. All can apply to all tools (creation and paths).

Operation on surfaces, sections or sets of points.

Dynamic inclusion of all or part of another file (possibility to create object and texture libraries).

Static inclusions from a user redifinable library.

Cartesian and polar coordinates, absolute or relative to any reference.


Primitive shapes (sphere, cylinder, cone...) defined by primitive plugs-in.

Easyly expandable by way of transformation plugs-in. About twenty are already in the standard package : progressive tube, multiple profiling tools, paramatric re-meshing tools, fractal landscapes, waves, parallel surfaces, thickness...

Height Field

Le Modeleur
Les Textures
Le Rendu