André Reinald
Paris, France

+33 6 52 45 25 54


2018 to 2020

Craft (Caisses Régionales Agricoles FinTech) - CTO

Led a team of 3 data engineers in evaluating, designing, and updating hardware and software solutions to optimize big data workflows for the data scientists.

Designed processes and pipelines for smooth and uninterrupted data processing, while implementing a DataDevOps culture to ensure efficient collaboration across the team.

Developed and executed risk assessments and mitigation efforts to ensure compliance with GDPR and banking regulations.

virtualbox, ldap, linux, docker, swarm, glusterfs, gitlab, bash, python, hadoop, spark

since 2017

Association pour le Volontariat en Europe

Contributed expertise on digital-related societal transformations, associated risks, and opportunities to the Digital Citizenship group, a part of the Conference of INGOs (Council of Europe), the only body representing civil society in European governance.

Formulated recommendations for political bodies at the local, regional, national, and European levels based on my contributions to the Digital Citizenship group.

since 2015

PeerStorage - President

Designed and advocated PeerStorage, a protocol aimed at creating a world collaborative cloud that operates without servers, allowing users to take back ownership of the Internet. The protocol guarantees net neutrality, promotes the rise of interoperable and open services, and protects against mass surveillance and censorship.

In addition, I organize conferences and debates on issues such as personal data, privacy, connected devices, and decentralization.

2013 to 2018

Mozilla Corporation - Senior software engineer

World scale collaborative project bugzilla, mercurial

Worked on Mac specific parts of Firefox, ensured it mimics native Mac look and feel (examples include overlay scrollbars visibility, text editor quirks, various control visual glitches) cocoa, corefoundation, objective-c, c++, javascript

Added Mach-O binary support to Courgette, a differential compression algorithm specialized in executable code mach-o, x86 and x86-64 assembly, c++, graph isomorphism

Implemented self support actions javascript, xpcom

Automated telemetry functional tests python

Extra activities Organized and co-organized events about open-source, open-data, culture economy, digital policy, public speaking and spreading Mozilla's values in those domains

2006 to 2012

Intego - Senior product manager

Product managed VirusBarrier for Linux, managed a 3 people team. Created product vision and implementation plan, features list and schedule negotiation, porting and rewriting of software components from Mac OS X, interprocess communication, graphic user interface design, system level development, network communication qt, multithread, posix, kernel

Product managed FileGuard X5 for Mac, a virtual data safe, defining features, managing the planning of marketing, graphic, documentation, and translation issues, setting up a copy protection scheme, using data encryption and digital signature algorithms libcrypto, openssl

Software development, graphic user interface objective-c, cocoa, c++, bsd layer, mach kernel

3D graphics design

Extra activities Development of an artificial intelligence component based on neural networks, supervised learning algorithm, cutting and combining of sub-nets, genetic selection. Altivec and SSE optimization, reaching 5 GFlops/core

2005 to 2006

Various contracts

Musiwave: metadata and multimedia content aggregation prior to integration in DB xml, java, bash, ftp

Uni-Médecine: development of the client software to access personal medical files (Dossier Médical Personnalisé) objective-c, cocoa, https, xml

2004 to 2005

Open source projects, system administration

Participating in development or porting of various open source software (webcollab, zoph, netjuke, mldonkey, ffmpeg, mplayer) php, javascript, mysql, ocaml, c++, altivec

Installing, configuring and operating dynamic web sites, mail servers, DNS xinetd, apache, php, mysql, postfix, uw-imap, bind, ipfw, nat

2001 to 2004

Orange / Wanadoo Portails - Software engineer

Feature specification of a syndication engine feeding data to the portal page of Wanadoo, collaborating in the development: management of various communication protocols and data formats ftp, http, rss, xml, xslt, bash, jboss, tomcat, java, ejb

Study to get the Hachette Multimédia encyclopedia online for Voilà! site c++, ftp

1999 to 2001

Mappy / SNV - Software engineer

Listing needs, specification and development of a geocoding client software, communicating with Mappy's cartography servers, designed for in-house use and B2B partners java, swing, multithread, http

Designing a method to update highly relational cartography databases, collaborating with the cartography team c++, sql, oracle

Designing geographic data processing algorithms to include them on internet servers, collaborating with the system administration team c++

Designing a multilingual lexicographical search engine, tolerating abbreviations, omissions, typos and misspelling (currently used on the Mappy site) collaborating with the marketing team c++

Designing spatial index engine, and inverse geocoder c++

Complete redesign of the itinerary calculator (unfinished at the moment I left) c++, sql, xml, xslt, html, css

1995 to 1998

Alsoft / Géoconcept - Software engineer

Designing optimized topology functions (union / intersection / substraction / buffer area / level curves / geometry simplification) c++

Designing image processing algorithms (scanned maps and satellite and aerial photos) in order to include them in the GIS c++

1983 to 2000

Aleph 3d - Author

Author of a modeling, animation, 3d image rendering software, targeted at graphists and industrial designers. Design of numerous algorithms for image rendering, geometry manipulation, in 2 and 3 dimensions, importing of multimedia data, definition of a complex graphic user interface. Writing of the user manual object pascal, c++

Design of artificial intelligence games, some using learning techniques pascal, c

Setting up information systems in various organizations. Defining needs with users, negotiating schedule with the client, design of the database structure, development of custom software 4D


Languages / Software

sysadmin, network, DevOps (certification), docker, swarm, hadoop

git, gitlab, c++, python, bash


Mac OS X, Linux

Dev. Envt.

VSCode, Xcode, gcc, clang


1989 to 1993

International business school, one year abroad in US and Japan (ISG)

1986 to 1989

Degree in maths / physics university Paris VI (Jussieu)


Bac series C (physics)



Bilingual French / Romanian, fluent in English (staying in US), good level in Spanish

Driving license


Biking, it's a way of life, going to the office, and sometimes on vacation (tent, wild camping)

Roller skating, practicing for over 20 years, I participated in long distance races - 100km (I was 5th in 5h20, national competition)

Photography, I have a DSLR and only fully manual lenses (Pentax), shoot RAW-DNG pictures, use Darktable (a Linux open source Raw image processing software to which I occasionally contribute)

Internet of Things, Arduino and derivatives, HomeAssistant, ESPHome, electronics